Use the selected name for your intended purpose.A random number generator is used to determine which name is selected. You can do this manually by tapping or clicking anywhere on the wheel. There are two main ways to do this, either by typing names directly into the Edit box separated by a carriage return or by pasting a copied column of names from a spreadsheet or a list of names from a text file. This can be a list of people's names, place names, or any other type of names that you want to use. Gather a list of names that you want to include on the wheel.
To use the wheel of names, you can follow these steps: The wheel can be used for a variety of purposes, such as randomly selecting names for a drawing or game, generating ideas for a group project, or simply providing inspiration for something to be named. To start, replace the entries with your own list of names to instantly create a new name wheel to spin. You can also add multiple wheels to increase the possibilities of how to can use this wheel of names generator. The wheel of names is a free online random name selector wheel.